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printf(’Oh boy, here we go!’)

You go to a big news website and start reading the articles, after having to click 300 cookies consent banners, 2 login pages and trying to avoid all the advertising, you finally get to the main content: a complete unbiased, neutral and personal story. Wait, that was my wishlist, my bad. What you actually find is a biased text, that only sees a tiny part of the geeks as the general representation of the whole society. It is a text focused on the urgent necessity we (the tiny part of the geeks, myself included) have to consume the latest gadgets and devices. Questions as ‘Why? Do we really need it? Would we be okay not buying any of that? Is this fascinating, or is just an Apple product?’ are never asked, instead we get the: 5 reasons why you need it! This product will revolutionize the world! Best solution to a problem that does not exist! Tech we couldn’t live without (even though we clearly could)! And a few more clickbaits along the way.

Is this blog the solution to all of that? No, not really, the novelty here is that I am being more transparent. The posts will be completely biased! I, Caio (that sounds close enough to Kyle, and that’s the name I say at the Burger King drive thru), have a bachelor and two masters’ degree in computer science and engineering, while finishing (LOL) a PhD in the same field. All of that “knowledge” serves to remind me that: 1. I don’t know a thing; 2. That my codes will never (really, never) work in the first try (or the next 10 tries); and 3. That all of us have a bias, because all of us have different backgrounds and experiences. It also means that I will be able to explain a thing or two in the posts, just enough for you to understand my opinion, but not as much so you don’t feel bored and decide to do the dishes or fold the laundry.

All of that and I haven’t even explained what I will be talking about, well, I am not surprised, I love technology, but love even more to procrastinate. This blog is going to be a collection of opinions about tech in general, from the use and fear of AI, to the greenwashing done by big tech (the huge tech companies like Apple, Google, Samsung…). Not a tutorial blog, not a lecture, not even a gadgets review. Just some of my thoughts on what we have, where we are going and what we have left in the past (oh boys, things can get darker pretty easily).

Since all the text will be from my point-of-view (POV for the TikTokers), it will be way more interesting to see what you think about it, either agreeing or disagreeing completely (that may happen way more frequently). You can use the comments in the blog to express your thoughts, but you can also email me at (sending a fax is a feature coming soon). If you are more connected through social media, the blog has an account at mastodon, and one in (a big advertisement disguised as entertainment platform) Instagram as @biasedbytes.

TLDR: I am going to start this blog the same way I do everything computer related: with too much confidence, while having the certainty that it is not going to work the way I want to.

Other topics

  • I am not a native English speaker, so, similar to my codes, expect a lot of bugs and errors.
  • AI will only be used to generate images, here and there, since I have zero budget for hiring artists at the moment, and negative ability for drawing and taking photos.
  • All the terrible text written on this blog will be typed by a human, me, no AI will be involved. If you read something that makes no sense, be certain that it also did not make sense while I was typing it, but I had no other idea on how to express what I wanted.
  • This blog will try, at its best, to hurt your privacy less: no trackers, no logins, no paywalls, no cookies (if I am tracking you somehow, let me know, it is definitely a bug). What you see, is what you get, and I am sorry about that.

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